Cryptogrind matches employers with freelancers, provides escrow addresses to hold payment until job completion, and acts as third-key mediator in the case of a dispute. The top-earning freelancer on Cryptogrind is “billy,” a developer who offers Bitcoin integration for website owners who want to accept cryptocurrency for payment. While billy is the top-earner, it must be remembered that he’s completed only one job; Cryptogrind is new and its talent pool is in its early stages. Unlike marketplaces like Fiverr, which are difficult to compete in due to price floors and un-advertised add-on charges, Cryptogrind and the others listed here allow employers and freelancers to agree upon their own price for a job. Cryptogrind keeps a 4% fee of all escrowed funds. The service has also taken great pains to prevent Bitcoin theft of multisignature escrow keys, reporting, “With the use of Node.js and Bitcore technology, we access the blockchain directly with no need for hot...
Project or Jobs available at XBT freelancer, (This article is part the series focusing on job/project sourcing for freelancers who can't get paid using Pay pal, ' where to work on-line and get paid in Bitcoin). These are some of the jobs you can do at XBT Freelancer which I'm sure have at least one open and less competitive post at any given time of the year... Content Writing - Business articles - News articles for websites - Bitcoin articles - Gambling addiction articles, etc. - Blog writing E-Book Writing Translation Transcription Design and Creation - Animation - Web design - Logo design - Graphic design Marketing - Running Email Marketing Campaigns - Organising Marketing Campaigns - Basic Internet Marketing Cloud Mining ...